Posted: Monday, June 24, 2013
The Providence Center School celebrated the achievements of the class of 2013, graduating nine students in a ceremony on June 20. Fully licensed by the Department of Education, the school serves children and adolescents who have been referred for special needs education by school districts throughout Rhode Island. Students received diplomas from their local school districts and certificates of completion from The Providence Center School.
For the first year, all 12th grade students completed senior projects, ranging on topics from restaurant advertising to psychology to projects inspired by the students’ personal interests in music.
After several years of working with the senior class, teachers and clinical staff expressed their pride having watched each student’s personal and academic growths. “When I think of this class, I think of how long we have worked with you, some who started in the middle school,” said Eve Nicole Labb, teacher on the high school team. “You have made special relationships with us and each other. Use your experiences here to motivate you to excel and accomplish your goals.”
TPC School staff made presentations to each graduate, citing the students’ strengths and remarking on their growth. Some phrases used to describe the students were:
“He is a role model for others to follow.”
“You are empathetic, and have grown more comfortable communicating and being an advocate for yourself.”
“You remind me that students are hungry for knowledge, and as teachers, it is our job to feed that hunger.”
The senior class also presented their class gift to The Providence Center School, which was a bench that will be located at the new basketball court.
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